Green UV

As with all the ECX colors, Green UV is packaged in a 110ml capacity plastic bottle that is filled with 100ml of the Ultra Concentrate Coolant.  The key points on the label we have addressed in the Introduction and Information page, so there is no need to go over it again here.


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The MSDS advised that ECX Concentrate has a pH level between 7.5 – 9.5.
Using a Bluelab pH pen, the reading we got for the Green UV ECX Concentrate was 8.1.

The 100ml provided is enough to make up 1 liter of solution when mixed 1:9 as instructed on the labeling. For the review we made a small batch using 20ml of ECX Concentrate mixed into 180ml of distilled water.
XSPC-ECX-PS2-1010We had very different outcomes in terms of the color appearance with Green UV depending on the background color and light source.  The black background makes the coolant look suitably green, but with the white background it looks much more of a fluorescent yellow:

Left to right the following tubes are set up to help show color and clarity for of the Green UV sample:

  1. Acrylic Res Tube
  2. 14mm OD Clear PETG tubing
  3. 14mm OD Clear Acrylic tube
  4. 3/8 x 5/8 Ultra-Clear Soft tube
  5. 1/2″ x 3/4″ Adv. LRT soft tube.

Here is a white background with 2 LED bars and overhead lighting:

It makes the green look very washed out and in our opinion, not the most attractive color option.

In the next shot Green UV appears different again when viewed from lower (level with the table) LED at the front and rear, but the rear LED is set lower than the “stage” the tubes are attached to.

Now let’s keep the white background but change to UV light:
XSPC-ECX-Green-UV-WBUV3We suspect that Green UV has more of the UV additive than the other UV color samples we have, and that UV effect is present with a white background lends some credit to our suspicion. Again the UV light in front of the tubing gets the better result:
XSPC ECX Green UV WBUV4Black backgrounds are where the UV effect is at it’s best though:

Again PETG seems to beat Acrylic for UV purposes, while dark backgrounds and minimal ambient lighting will also help the UV to maximize it’s potential.

Next up is our last “color”, White.


  1. Outstanding! I checked this out to see how the XSPC coolant looked and see what you folks thought about it in general. As always, ER delivered an article with amazing detail covering things I didn’t think about!

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