Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs is a 2012 open world action-adventure video game developed by United Front Games and Square Enix London. It was published by Square Enix and Bandai Namco Games for Microsoft Windows and the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. Set in contemporary Hong Kong, the single-player story follows Wei Shen, an undercover Hong Kong-American police officer on assignment to infiltrate the Sun On Yee Triad organisation. Wikipedia

  • Ultra
    • AA – Extreme
    • Texture Quality – High Res
    • Shadow Quality – High
    • Shadow Filter – High
    • SSAO – High
    • Motion Blur Level – High
    • World Density – Extreme

Sleeping Dogs is a game that has traditionally favored AMD.  However performance at 1080p is still very acceptable with the GTX 960:
sleeping_dogsLooking at usage plots we see no issues:
sleeping_dogs_usageHowever there are clearly episodes of low FPS that also translate into a low score for the 99 percentile:sleeping_dogs_frametimes1% of frames hitting worse than 24FPS is a bit disappointing given the average score.  At 4K we are not expecting any miracles:


While the GPU is VRAM limiting, the 4GB card would no doubt still remain unplayable, just like the 970 is.


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