Rev 2.1
In November last year we announced the launch of Hardware Labs SR2 Radiator, the successor to the hugely popular SR1.
The range of Hardware Labs radiators seems to have exploded in the past 18 months with the release of the Nemesis GTS, Nemesis GTX and SR2 models, with the Nemesis range also available in “light” versions (LS and LX). Along with these new additions the previous generation rads are also going to still be available to vendors wishing to stock them
Performance PCS currently has 107 Hardware Labs radiators to select from. One thing they all have in common is that none of them have alternate port options.
Well things might be about to change as we have just received a sample radiator from Hardware Labs for review which has us really quite excited.
It’s an 360mm SR2 with 4 alternate fitting ports, so 6 ports in total and had Rev 2.1 in the shipping documentation. With only a quick glance all the specs appear to match the current retail SR2 version and the sample was in SR2 retail packaging.
We expect the performance to be identical to the current version as only the port options appear to be different. We’ll be getting this one into the thermal test chamber for some performance scrutiny very soon so look forward to a full review soon and inclusion into the Rad Review Round Up 2015.
The move by many of the PC radiator manufactures to include multi-port options has proved to be massively popular, offering the end user more freedom when installing the radiator/s into their systems.
We hope that this offering from Hardware Labs is seen soon in the marketplace and will be the first of their range to make the transition to multi-port.
Hell yeah. That is what we were waiting for. Hope HWlabs do it now regularly for all the line up.
When can we expect to see the radiator available?
Very soon from what I’ve been told
Price should be the same or better.
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