Crysis 3

Crysis 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed by the German game developer Crytek and is published by Electronic Arts (EA) for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It was released in North America on February 19, 2013. Twenty-four years after the events of Crysis 2, Psycho finds Lawrence “Prophet” Barnes aboard the Liberty Dome in New York City. Joining with Psycho and his team of elite Nanosuit soldiers, Prophet travels around the world looking for the Alpha Ceph, the ultimate Ceph leader, from the knowledge he gained about Ceph. One by one his teammates lose interest in the hunt believing that all Ceph are destroyed, until Prophet and Psycho finally trace the Alpha Ceph in Russia and imprison it. Wikipedia

  • Very High
    • Antialiasing – FXAA
    • Texture Resolution – Very High
    • V-Sync – No

Despite having the reputation for being the biggest and baddest game around for destroying computer hardware, we were impressed by how well a single GTX 970 could handle it. At 1080p it was able to keep above 60 FPS with no problems. When turned up to 4K it slowed down significantly but for a single GPU at such a high resolution, it was impressive. It was below 30 FPS though and we found that it was a bit hard to play a First Person Shooter at ~22 FPS, we do recommend having a second or third in SLI if you plan to play this game at 4K.


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