This year at CES was similar to last year in that there wasn’t any specific big cpu/motherboard/gpu launches that coincided. Last year Gigabyte focused mainly on their new NUC line. This year the NUCs were still here and updated but without much excitment to the line up. Including one painted one:
There were a bunch more though for almost any need, including ones with pico projectors:
Motherboards were of course on display, but these again were not new:
We did get to fondle our favorite SOC Force though:
While the Windforce may be a great cooler, Gigabyte has a real problem distinguishing which card is which:
Of course this one you should know:
Yes it’s what I like to call the “monstrosity”.
Believe me it doesn’t look any better in person. Has anyone heard of a backplate? “Let’s prop up the cards with a selfie stick instead.” Red PSU connectors too with blue LED lighting.
Seriously who thought this was a good product idea? It looks like it’s vomiting into an open optical drive. Gigabyte, please, please, please never do this again.
There were also some headsets, this one has a large in line box and does 7.1 surround again through two speakers. The ear cups are too small though and the whole thing felt a bit cheap:
The surprisingly large dongle:
There were however some laptops – 1080p snore, 980m ok, 1TB of SSD and 4TB of mechanical.. hmmm not bad. Quite lightweight too given the screen and HDDs.
However the more interesting one was the smaller 15″ which had the higher res screen:
My only complaint with this one is that the bezel is so big.A
Last year Gigabyte also announced the subgroup – Aorus. I’m not a huge fan of the name to be honest, but the laptops aren’t bad – let’s start with the smallest:
Light weight, lots of ssds, 970m and 3200×1800 is nice. Of course the 970m will struggle to power that much display, but it’s still a good option for games that aren’t so intensive.
Smaller bezels now that the gigabyte laptops:
Next up was the 15″ with the newly released 965m in SLI. The 965m is about 2/3 of a 980m, so while it’s better than a 980m I Have to wonder if it’s worth bothering with possible SLI issues. Otherwise though 4K + decent gpu + 32 GB ram + lots of SSDS + lightweightish seems like a winner.
It looks much the same:
In fact even the 17″ version looks very similar when placed next to it.
The 17″ ups the GPU, but then sends you slamming back down to 1080p, definitely the X5 would be the way to go.