Ice Dragon’s white “nano particle” based coolant has been out a while now, however they were at the show with a prototype of their new darker fluid called Ice Dragon “Warrior”. Unfortunately the prototype wasn’t performing as expected due to some process issues, but the fact that Ice Dragon still showed how it performed and that it was actually worse than water gives more credibility to the result showing that the original ice dragon coolant does provide better thermal transfer than water.
Of course the difference in coolant is really a percentage. Ice Dragon works best when the coolant delta is large, which in most overkill system it isn’t. Personally I get nervous by coolant temps approaching 40C as tubing can get more flexible and a loose fitting can result in leaks.
It was however clear that Ice Dragon was starting to steer away from the PC market as their focus and instead towards huge cooling systems. This is not surprising, as the benefits to reducing power through more efficient cooling and heating systems is huge for big companies, e.g. buildings with large AC systems, or datacenters. And of course those systems would use barrels of coolant which means economies of scale and more potential revenue.
In addition Ice Dragon mentioned they were working on a prototype core for a major AIO manufacturer that is designed to work with their nano particles more efficiently than current designs which are targeted at the usual water+glycol mix:
We also saw that Ice Dragon Vanilla will be shipping in concentrate form with a 3:1 dilution ratio. This should reduce costs a bit whether you buy it directly as is, or in Mayhem’s colored variants.