Now that case mod color schemes are every color in the book it’s about time a manufacturer stepped up and gave you multiple color options for one of their cards. ASUS GTX 780 TI DirectCU II will come with the “traditional” red stickers that the Asus GTX 780 DCII HSF featured. It will also come with gold stickers to accompany Asus’s latest motherboards that feature gold on the heatsinks. Or you can opt of either and just use the card without any sticks, pure black.
The final specs of the ASUS GTX 780 TI DirectCU II (GTX780Ti-DC2OC-3GD5) consists of the following; 3GB card with 2880 CUDA cores, it will be clocked at 1020 MHz in boost and 954 MHz in default base clock. Oddly the PCB is slightly different than the 780 DCII, which hasn’t been common for non-ref 780 Ti cards. It features two 8 pins compared to the 780 DCII that featured a 6 pin and 8 pin.
According to SweClockers the ASUS 780 TI DC2 OC will be available for 6490 SEK. However at the time no word on when.